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She’s My Wife

Uyo Ndo nataka Nipe slayqueen,  yes! The one with the two basketballs protruding in her hips! The one with the spanish ass full of german juice and who blows french kisses to all who stare at it. The one who wears skirts long enough to make men drool trying to X-ray-visualise what lies at the […]

She’s Not My Wife

At one time after my 4 year course in campus, I’ll return back home where I know I’ll have a bone to chew with my elders and sure bet I’ll be lliable for questioning. They have every right to do so after ensuring a continuous supply of maize flour, beans, vegetables to the City for […]

Eclipse of the Heart

It takes one matchstick to bring a whole building down in a inferno . For me it took the fragnance of a certain cologne and the memories were invoked. The cologne I woke up to and slept with in my bed sheets. The smell of that cologne awakened memories long forgotten, echos of those long […]

It Will Happen

One morning you’ll text me and I won’t reply. You’ll say it in your heart, “He’s always a snubber”. You’ll wait, till nightfall and still no reply will be forthcoming. ‘Nothing to worry about, maybe he’s busy. Or perhaps he doesn’t want to talk to anyone’ you will say to yourself. Luckily, Safaricom comes to […]