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A Journey to the Viking Heartland: Unleashing the Warrior Within in Norway

What countries do you want to visit? Embarking on a voyage across the globe, there is one country that beckons me with its majestic landscapes and rich historical tapestry—Norway. As a devoted fan of all things Viking, this Scandinavian gem holds a special place in my heart. I am always in if it involves delving […]

Celebrating the Creative Mind

What’s your favorite thing about yourself? As a creative writer, one of the most enchanting aspects of my being is the boundless realm of my mind. It is within this captivating expanse that stories are conceived, ideas are born, and words dance harmoniously. Join me on a journey as we explore the intricacies of the […]

Embracing the Melody of Rain: A Love Letter to the Rainy Season

What is your favorite season of year? Why? The changing seasons bring with them a symphony of colors, scents, and emotions. Though my homeland of Kenya may not boast the traditional four seasons, we are blessed with a distinct duality: the dry and the rainy. When asked about my favorite season, my heart leaps with […]

Embracing the Tapestry of Companionship: The Constant Presence of Loved Ones

Who do you spend the most time with? In the vast tapestry of life, there are threads that weave through our days, coloring our experiences and shaping our journey. Among these threads are the individuals who fill our moments with joy, laughter, and understanding. When asked, “Who do you spend the most time with?” my […]