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K for Kairitu

Atīrīri… Before I started getting marital advice from TikTok videos of ‘keep her if her name starts with..’, in my heyday I dated a Muthamaki. Mali safi. Wittier than James Orengo after lunch at Ranalo Fish & Chips. Unlike your polemicist girlfriend who meets your problems with a “wah, sa utado?” (that’s not elite mentality […]

F for Freedom

F for Freedom

Guys, have you ever found yourself between a rock and a hard place? She asks you a question, you want to be honest, completely honest with her, but the truth you are about to tell her sounds like a lie. You know she wouldn’t fall for it completely. So what do you do instead, you […]

E for Eagle

Relationships are tough. It’s hard being in pairs

Relationships are tough, let no one lie to you about anything. Infact if you are okay sleeping alone like a sickle, just keep at it. It’s tough out here. Ama why do yo think you only find one sock of yours? It’s hard being in pairs. But I never imagined at one point we would […]