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R for Random

When she comes over, it's the hope that she might finally be leaving that kills you. You watch her closely as she struts from the bathroom to the bedroom, a…

Q for Queen

I'm looking for a sexy dress. Scratch that, I'm looking for a scandalous dress. One with a front slit that flashes my legs when I walk. One that holds my…

P for Periods

But if there is a time I never want to be around her is during that time of the month. I never want to but I have to. Like the…

O for Opportunity

Over the past year, on my bike, I have fallen countless times. I have fallen at high speeds and low. I have fallen turning a corner at 20 miles an…

N for NyarNyakach

Hi please? Luo women, idhi nadi? An bende adhi maber.  Luo women are not to everyone's taste. They are like this Simple Boy. Who? Exactly. It’s time to take the…


I'm on a life long trajectory that includes a wedding by the beach with Maxine Wabosha, a nobel peace prize in Physics and an album by Simple Boy after me.
My boxers are all well ironed and my bowel movements run like a German train schedule. I am very much okay....Sigh, but with what has been happening lately, I'm just hoping I'll be in the next bible..

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