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J for Just Kidding

The beginning of a new relationship sucks. This is where you just got her number, know shit about her, and so you literally have nothing to say to her. You have already said she is gorgeous, so you cannot say that again. You cannot ask her what her hobbies are because no one has hobbies […]

I For One

So, you got to understand why women argue or more accurately try to. It’s an area with which I have some degree of familiarity with, yet also lots of uncertainty. Think of argument as their secret weapon to balance things out in different situations, kind of like leveling the playing field type of weapon. Have […]

Life’s Unpredictable Journey: Lessons from Pixar

Share a lesson you wish you had learned earlier in life. In the grand tapestry of existence, it becomes evident that life seldom adheres to the neatly scripted narratives we envision. It’s not a wish-granting factory, nor does it promise a predictable path. Instead, life is an intricate web of moments, both joyous and challenging, […]

H for HeartBreaks


If we knew the things that really mattered most goodbyes would be less of a pain. The things we adore are fleeting; life for one flashes like a shooting star. In the end, whatever that may be, we are either glad we savored the beauty or sad we thought “what the heck! There’ll be another”. […]