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Unveiling the Unforgettable World of Animal Farm by George Orwell: A Childhood Journey

Do you remember your favorite book from childhood? In the realm of childhood literature, where imagination intertwines with reality, there exists a treasure trove of cherished books that leave an indelible mark on our young minds. Among these literary gems, Animal Farm by George Orwell stands tall, captivating readers with its captivating plot, thought-provoking themes, […]

Igniting Transformation: Three Books that Transformed my Life and Inspire Greatness

List three books that have had an impact on you. Why? Books hold the power to ignite the spark of transformation within us, to challenge our perspectives, and inspire greatness. As an avid reader, I have delved into the realms of personal growth and success, encountering three transformative books that have left an indelible mark […]

Embracing the Power Within: Overcoming Fears and Transcending Boundaries

What fears have you overcome and how? In the realm of creativity, where imagination dances with vulnerability, fears loom like shadowy specters, ready to cast doubt upon our artistic endeavors. Yet, as a creative writer, I have journeyed through the labyrinth of fear, emerging stronger, braver, and more resilient. This is the tale of my […]

D for Doucement or Dusuma?

Second Edition of the Stanbic Yetu Festival

When a bank is behind an event  with KShs.30,000 VVIP tickets, it is not so much to demonstrate their pride in Kenyan talent as it is to demonstrate with whom they prefer to go to bed with.  #PlayKenyanMusic down the drain like that. The only band that I had hopes would get the kenyan music […]