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I For One

So, you got to understand why women argue or more accurately try to. It’s an area with which I have some degree of familiarity with, yet also lots of uncertainty. Think of argument as their secret weapon to balance things out in different situations, kind of like leveling the playing field type of weapon. Have […]

H for HeartBreaks


If we knew the things that really mattered most goodbyes would be less of a pain. The things we adore are fleeting; life for one flashes like a shooting star. In the end, whatever that may be, we are either glad we savored the beauty or sad we thought “what the heck! There’ll be another”. […]

F for Freedom

F for Freedom

Guys, have you ever found yourself between a rock and a hard place? She asks you a question, you want to be honest, completely honest with her, but the truth you are about to tell her sounds like a lie. You know she wouldn’t fall for it completely. So what do you do instead, you […]

E for Eagle

Relationships are tough. It’s hard being in pairs

Relationships are tough, let no one lie to you about anything. Infact if you are okay sleeping alone like a sickle, just keep at it. It’s tough out here. Ama why do yo think you only find one sock of yours? It’s hard being in pairs. But I never imagined at one point we would […]