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Life’s Unpredictable Journey: Lessons from Pixar

Share a lesson you wish you had learned earlier in life. In the grand tapestry of existence, it becomes evident that life seldom adheres to the neatly scripted narratives we…

H for HeartBreaks

If we knew the things that really mattered most goodbyes would be less of a pain. The things we adore are fleeting; life for one flashes like a shooting star.…

G for Girls

“Here I got you something” The typical her asks, “What is it?” I hand it over to her, “Think of it as an early birthday present. It’s a new hand…

Unyielding Valor: King Leonidas of Sparta and the Heroic Stand at Thermopylae

Who is your favorite historical figure? In the annals of history, there are those remarkable figures whose bravery and indomitable spirit continue to inspire generations. Among these legendary heroes, one…

Love At First Sight

Write about your first crush. In the realm of fluttering hearts and stolen glances, there exists a memory that forever imprints itself upon the fabric of our souls—the memory of…


I'm on a life long trajectory that includes a wedding by the beach with Maxine Wabosha, a nobel peace prize in Physics and an album by Simple Boy after me.
My boxers are all well ironed and my bowel movements run like a German train schedule. I am very much okay....Sigh, but with what has been happening lately, I'm just hoping I'll be in the next bible..

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